NY Nurses United for Quality Care is a community of nurses from across the state dedicated to raising standards of patient care. 

We're fighting for safe staffing & improved health and safety on the job, and we provide affordable advanced trainings for nurses.   



We, the nurses of the New York state, experience firsthand every day how understaffing puts our patients at risk. That’s why we’re coming together to tell Albany it’s time for a change.  They must enforce the safe staffing laws - the lives of New Yorkers depend on it.

Sign the Petition →

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We offer free & discounted training for NY nurses! From basic life support certification to health & safety in the workplace to a range of certification reviews, our priority is to make sure NY nurses have access to the quality training we need for our profession.

Current Class Schedule →

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Interested in learning more about our push for safe staffing, upcoming trainings, or how to join our community of NY nurses?  

Please share your information below and we will send you updates: